2003-10 Iraq & Afghanistan 
You may ask - "What in the sam-hill is this page
doing in the History of Mullinnix? She was sunk in 1992!"
My answer, "The steel may have been sent to the bottom,
but the men, their soul and spirit, are still serving our country."
Keep scrolling if you don't believe me...
Muxman Phil Welsh, Afghanistan August 2011
Muxman Phil Welsh (2nd from left) with his 'mates', Afghanistan Aug 2011
Muxman Phil Welsh (3rd from left), with is current crew of 'mates', mobolizing in
Transit Center at Manas (formerly
Manas Air Base and unofficially Ganci Air Base)
enroute to Afghanistan
Manas is a US military installation at Manas International Airport,
near Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan
True Americian Heros!!!
Members of 'Gypsy MC' (one of the oldest motorcycle clubs in the USA, established in 1932)
Courtesy of BT Joe (MOJO) Stanford (USS Edson DD-946)
You guys ROCK!!!
FTG3 Frank "Woody" Wood welcomes home Major Luke Jessup from Iraq
22 June 2007
Lone Grove, Oklahoma
Welcome Home Luke! (click to watch video)
That is ex-Muxman DAVID L MANSBERGER, "Padre", Chaplain Major USAF, with Airmen from the 820th Security Forces out of Moody AFB. MSgt Robert “Sheriff” Johnson took the photos. The Sheriff is with the West Virginia ANG. The 820th goes out everyday to the streets of Baghdad. They lost one member of their squadron in October to an IED. Over 80% of the casualties have been from IED’s and suicide vests.
We "just thought" we had it bad on Mullinnix when we ran out of fresh water. Keep these guys in your prayers - every day. They are protecting my right to host this website of our beloved ship. AND they are perserving your right to sit safely and enjoy the memories.
Just like the rest of us Muxmen, David hasn't changed a bit since is 'salad days' on Mullinnix
email: David Mansberger
If there is anyone who would like to send items to Iraq, David advises they need baby clothes for ages 1yr and under. They will be distributed directly by the Chaplin's Office. Also, beef jerky for the Troops (because it will not spoil).
The address to send care packages is:
David Mansberger, Major Chaplin
Operation Iraqi Freedom
MNC-1 Chaplins Office
APO AE 09342
Another former Muxman in Iraq is BT2 Phil Welsh. Phil served with us from 1972-74 including most of 1972 Vietnam cruise (joining us in Subic Bay). Phil has had two tours in Iraq, one in Afghanistan and is scheduled to go back to Al Asad Iraq in the fall of 2007. Please keep Phil in your prayers. You can contact him at:
email: Phil Welsh
email: Phil Welsh
The pictures below are from Phil:
Minefield along side the dirt airstrip at Chacharan. Phil and his buddies had to patrol the airstrip every morning before any planes or choppers landed for the day to make sure no IED's were tossed onto it during the night. AND, we (only) thought the Mux was bad duty...
Sadam International Airport (2003)
One of Phil's convoys from Al Jaber AB Kuwait. Phil is in the middle holding the flag
Chacharan, Afghanistan (2006). Can you pick Phil out?
I'd call this a successful operation
Tallil AB at An Nasiriyah (2003). The shot up building was the office for Transportation. The bricked up window was actually shot out in Desert Storm but some of the bullet holes are from 2003
Courtesy of David Mansberger
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© 2006 by Frank Wood, All rights reserved.