James R. "Boom Boom" Cannon 

Boom Boom Cannon - Best CO in the Fleet!!
Mullinnix Bridge - Gunline Vietnam 1972.
Note ship in background
The story of Boom Boom: Captain Cannon use to sit in his leather chair on the bridge wings and lob grenades into the water! Hence, the name Boom Boom. OR, so we thought. Since, his daughter has told us that Captain Cannon picked that name up in high school. So much for that sea-story...
Note: At night, grenades were used to keep swimmers from attaching mines to the Mullinnix.
Misc Memories: (1) Dedication of the new wood-paneled messdecks - complete with red ribbon and a stripper! (2) Burial at sea for the old coke machine (in route to Vietnam in 1972) - including a "live-round" gun salute by the GMs! (3) The "Virginia Is For Lovers" Flag and the ship's song "Riders on the Storm"!

CDR Cannon
Crew hated to see him go...
Best Team In The Fleet!

James R. Cannon , Virginia Beach
Tuesday, Jun. 28, 2005
The Virginian-Pilot
Capt. James Rowland Cannon, U.S. Navy retired, departed this world June 25, 2005, in the loving presence of his family. Born in Lewes, Del., on May 2, 1931, Jim was the second of two sons of Mary Susan Rowland and Phillip Holland Cannon. He was raised in Bridgeville, where he excelled in football, basketball and baseball, earning the nickname "Boom Boom." Upon graduation from the United States Naval Academy in 1956, he wed his childhood sweetheart, Alice Marie Jefferson, in the Naval Academy Chapel on June 5. His career as a naval officer was marked by distinction. He served on the destroyers Compton and Blandy, before earning his first command on the ocean tug Utina in 1963. He then became executive officer on the Dupont (DD 941), engineer on the Shangrila (CVS 38), and commanding officer on the Mullinix (DD 944) in 1971. He established the Propulsion Examining Board as the deputy senior member, and at the personal request of CINCLANTFLT returned to aircraft carrier duty as the engineer on Saratoga (CV 60). In 1977, his selfless devotion to duty was rewarded when he became the Commodore of Destroyer Squadron 10. Upon retiring from active duty in 1978, Jim embarked upon a successful civilian career, establishing the Norfolk office of the George G. Sharp Naval Architecture firm, and served as vice president with the esteemed New York-based company. During this timeframe, he also purchased and operated Tripure Water Co. in fulfillment of his dream to become a sole proprietor. Later he sold Tripure to become vice president for Technology Applications Inc. In 1989, he purchased Material Testing Laboratories, which he ran until he retired to pursue another lifelong avocation - golf. Jim Cannon possessed a unique joy of life, greeting all with a warm handshake and hug, an earnest smile, and a multitude of jokes at the ready. He loved and was loved by all, whether it be the eight grandchildren he taught to ski, the golfing buddies with whom he eagerly exchanged wagers, the parishioners he worshiped with at Saint Aidan’s, his newest friends at Westminster Canterbury, or the men that sailed with him in defense of this nation’s freedom. His three children, as well as their spouses, have lost both a dear father and friend. He is survived by his wife and the love of his life, Alice; by his daughters, Debbie Mawyer and Susan Richter; his son, Jim Cannon Jr.; and by eight grandchildren. His wonderful life will be celebrated at a memorial service at Saint Aidan’s, (757) 340-6459, Thursday at 3 p.m., to be immediately followed by a reception to meet with the family. He will be buried in Arlington National Cemetery Sept. 8, 2005, at 1 p.m. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the United States Naval Academy Foundation or the American Cancer Society. H.D. Oliver Funeral Apts., Laskin Road, is handling arrangements.
Shipmates that served with "Boom Boom"
(2005 Mullinnix Association Reunion)
Back Row L to R: MM3 Dale Schultz, LT Vern Eubanks, GMG2 Jim Roland, LT Ron Filka, BTC Bob Richards, LT Tom Schmucker
Middle Row Starting 2nd From Left: STC Mason Jones, MM2 Bob Houghton; 5th from right: MM3 Pete Boisvert; far right: RD3 Paul Lentini
Front Row L to R: FTG3 Frank "Woody" Wood, MM3 Steve "Peabody" Pegram, LT Bruce Spalding, far right: FTG3 Greg "Birdman" Berry
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