Norfolk & Fallex Warmup
14 August - 6 September, 1960 
1960 Mullinnix Deck Logs
January 1960 (PDF)
February 1960 (PDF)
March 1960 (PDF)
April 1960 (PDF)
May 1960 (PDF)
June 1960 (PDF)
July 1960 (PDF)
August 1960 (PDF)
September 1960 (PDF)
October 1960 (PDF)
November 1960 (PDF)
December 1960 (PDF)
Clips From 1960
Courtesy Jack O'Connell & Jim Young
USS Laffey DD-724
Fantastic Footage of Our Beloved Mullinnix
Liberty in Downtown Norfolk
Excerpt from "The Last Gun Ship - History of USS Mullinnix DD-944"
A Historical Novel By Frank A. Wood
On 16 August, Captain J. H. Carmichael assumed command of DESRON 32 and hoisted his pennant aboard Mullinnix. A one week tender availability was completed on 22 August. That date, the ship got underway to participate in FALLEX WARMUP, a brief exercise in preparation for the NATO FALL EXERCISES of 1960. No rest, so it seemed, for the sailors abroad the Mux.
By the midwatch on an early Tuesday morning, 23 August, Mullinnix was steaming in the company of USS Northampton CLC-1, USS Norfolk DL-1 (the first destroyer leader of the United States Navy), USS Elokomin AO-55, USS Truckee AO-147, DESRON 32 minus the ships Stormes and Lowry, USS Wallace L. Lind DD-703, USS Macon CA-132 (she would be decommissioned the following 10 March 1961), and USS J. C. Owens DD-776 operating off the Virginia Capes in accordance with COMCARDIV SIX OP-ORDER 57-60.
Northampton was part of the US Government's plan for continuity of government and reported to be a "floating White House" to which the President could be evacuated in the event of nuclear attack. As such she was designated as part of NECPA, National Emergency Command Post Afloat. The USS Wright was her sister ship and also designated part of NECPA. The ship was modified with an extra deck, the tallest communications mast in the Navy and multi-link communications gear.
The ships were participating in submarine screening exercises and barrier patrols in preparation for the upcoming NATO exercises. Mullinnix returned to Norfolk midday on 27 August. She spent the day on 29 August, loading ammunition from YF378 at anchorage EX2, returning to D&S later in the day.
To be continued...
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