1963 VA Capes/Overhaul/Shake Down 
USS Mullinnix - Location & Date Unknown

1963 Mullinnix Deck Logs
January 1963 (PDF)
February 1963 (PDF)
March 1963 (PDF)
April 1963 (PDF)
May 1963 (PDF)
June 1963 (PDF)
July 1963 (PDF)
August 1963 (PDF)
September 1963 (PDF)
October 1963 (PDF)
November 1963 (PDF)
December 1963 (PDF)

Excerpt from "The Last Gun Ship - History of USS Mullinnix DD-944"
A Historical Novel By Frank A. Wood
The ship enjoyed ringing in the new year still at D&S Piers. LTJG R.O. Dulin, Jr provided the rhyming midwatch deck log to ring in 1963.
Here we are, moored starboard side to in berth two zero six;
In the U.S. Naval Base, Norfolk, Virginia, what a terrible fix!
The ship is on cold iron, and I'm cold too;
Sure wish this log entry was through.
All services are being received from the pier;
With the tragic exception of some New Year's cheer.
Material Condition Yoke is set;
And conditions of Readiness Five in not all wet.
COMDESRON 32 is embarked on this ship;
And SOPA is COMASWFORLANT, he's hip!
The limited log may have been caused by MM3 D.E. Rymer. At 0315, Shore Patrol HQ, Norfolk, reported that the machinist mate had been thrown in jail until 11 January and a $300 bond for reckless driving. HAPPY NEW YEAR!
The crew list was back to full compartment on 2 January when @ 0255, D.M. Meidal returned after being AWOL since the morning of 31 December. At 0730, the forward engine room, compartment 5-82-O-E reported flooding to the eight-foot level. Dewatering was order and completed by 0830. Cause of the flooding was determined to be the simultaneous failure of two safety devices and personnel error. Nine electric motors were damaged in the flood.
At 1501 on 3 January, the ship commenced loading 44 BL projectiles, 156 5" 54 powder charges, and offloaded 37 3" projectiles and five 5" 54 powder charges.
On 6 January, LCDR Clinton Miller and CDR Thomas Keane reported aboard for 14 days A CDUTRA Afloat. Just prior to midnight, R.F. Tegtmeier was returned to the ship by the Shore Patrol, charged with intoxication and having an altered ID card. CDO placed the young Tegtmeier on restriction.
After being in Norfolk since 10 December, the ship steamed out of Norfolk on 7 January. It felt good to get back to sea, but it was a blessing to be able to spend the holidays in port for almost a full month. The Cuban Missile Crisis was becoming only a memory, the crew was looking forward to some sort of normalcy, if that is ever possible aboard a Navy warship.
By 1043 she was underway as a unit of the Task Unit 83.2.2. in compliance with COMDESRON 32 Op-Order 1-63. Ground fog hung in the water. You could hear the harbor activity but couldn't see it, all sounds muffled. She commenced sound fog signals at 1120. The fog finally faded by 1215. The Captain immediately ordered general quarters and abandon ship drills before entering international waters at 1250. At 1820, the summary court-martial of R. A. Dowd commenced. It was adjourned at 1836 to await the action of the convening authority.
By the midwatch on 8 January, ship was operating in Area 21 of the Virginia Capes Operating Areas on base course 180, speed 12 knots. At muster at 0745 it was confirmed that EMFN L. E. Freyn had missed ships movement and was considered AWOL.
On 9 January, ship was steaming in the company of USS Stormes DD-780 and USS Basilone DDE-824. Basilone was a WWII Gearing-class destroyer, named for Gunnery Sergeant John Basilone (1916-1945), who was awarded the Medal of Honor for "extraordinary heroism and conspicuous gallantry in action...." in the defense of Henderson Field during the 1942 Guadalcanal campaign. She went on to win three battle stars in Vietnam before being struck on 1 November 1977. Later, sunk in exercise, 9 April 1982. Mullinnix spent the balance of the day conducting ASW exercises. At 2040 hours she put sonar into passive operations. At 2110 the electronic emission control plan was put into effect. Surface search radars may be operated at 07, 22, 37, and 52 minutes past each hour for four sweeps. At 2155, engine room reported lube oil eak in the main feed pump of 1A boiler. Maximum speed available is 15 knots. At 2303, all radars are authorized to be energized. Stormes and Basilone detached, and at 2330, USS Lowry is designated screen commander.
In the wee hours of 10 January, she was steaming with USS Basilone, USS Damato DDE-871, USS Lowry, USS Stormes, engaged in ASW operations with USS Sea Leopard SS-483. Later in the morning, the ship received repair parts via highland from Damato. The balance of the day was spent conducting general quarter drills.
On 11 January, Mullinnix received an injured sailor from USS Searcher AGR-4, one R. E. Anderson. He was to be transferred back to Norfolk. Searcher was a Guardian-class radar picket ship acquired by the U.S. Navy in 1954. She was obtained from the National Defense Reserve Fleet and reconfigured as a radar picket ship and assigned to radar picket duty in the North Atlantic Ocean as part of the Distant Early Warning Line. At 1300, crew went to GQ and at 1310 the ship conducted ABC drills, then test fired all mounts.
At 1021, on 12 January, ship moored starboard side to pier 20, berth 205, D&S Piers, Norfolk.
On 15 January, USS Dahlgren DLG-12 joined Mullinnix on pier 20, berth 206. On 20 January, a Mullinnix sister ship tied up outboard to port, the USS Dupont DD-941.
On 24 January, ship conducted a special court martial for R.F. Oberwise and T.D. Kirkpatrick.
The Commanding Officer had a busy day on 25 January as he conducted Captain’s mass and awarded the following:
* K.S. Richardson, Violation of the UCMJ, Article 116, cuasing a breach of the peace by engaging gin a fist fight in the head of the EM Club, San Juan, Puerto Rico, with R.J. Evangelista. Violation of UCMY, Article 117 Wrongfully using provoking words to SR Evangelista. Violation of UCMY, Article 86, UA. Awarded Summary Court Martial.
* T.W. Hunter, Violation of UCMY, Article 86, UA. Awarded Summary Court Martial.
* K. E. Saunders, Violation of UCMJ, Article 86, UA. Awarded restriction for 7 days
The following day, 26 January, the special court martial in the case of P.E. Harrington and E.E. Angus was convened. One wonders, 'what is going on with this crew?'
To be continued...
Shake Down Cruise, Gitmo Bay, Cuba, August 1963
Squadron 32 Pin
Courtesy of Ron Lapham
South of Jamaica October 1963 (Courtesy Ron Zimmerman)
South of Jamaica October 1963 (Courtesy Ron Zimmerman)
South of Jamaica October 1963 (Courtesy Ron Zimmerman)

This is in the "Mullinnix Museum" in Northwest Arkansas

Ron Lapham and Unknown Shipmate
1963, Unknown Shipmate
Courtesy Ron Lapham
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