1974 - Gitmo

Shortimer!! FTG3 Frank Wood "Woody" w/ Cuba in background - Jan 1974
(Early) 1974 Mux Steaming Schedule
Courtesy of FTG3 Dennis Wenske
(Mid) 1974 Mux Steaming Schedule
Courtesy of FTG3 Dennis Wenske
In early February, about 2 wks before I got discharged we had an inspection. I wasn’t about to get a haircut so I used the ole’ standard of ALL short-timers. I plastered my hair down with "Dipity Do". As the officers past in front of me, I passed inspection OK. When they were inspecting us from our backsides I could "feel" the inspection party stop behind me. I hear a voice say "Sailor, what is that shit in your hair" My response was, It’s Dipity Do Sir!" A slight pause then I hear, "Sailor, I thought that was for girls?" My response, "Yes Sir".
Needless to say, I was put on restriction until I got a haircut. I never did. As Feb 16th fell on a Sunday, they let me out on Saturday, Feb 15th at Midnight. At about 12:01 I said good-bye to the Mighty Mux. The duty officer wished me well and made a comment about my hair. I knew some of my friends were at the Wing Ding Bar near my old apartment in Ocean View, so I headed straight there. Drank a couple beers with Jimmy "Slick" Holland and Charlie Farmer and said my goodbyes. I had no idea really what I was going to do. I had about $800 bucks in my pocket. My best friend, FTG3 Greg "Birdfarm" Berry had gotten out about 3 wks before I did. Hence, I headed for West "By-God" Virginia. I spent about 3-4 days with Greg then headed for Akron, Ohio to see Glenda, Rita, and Diane, et al. Spent about 2-3 days with the "girls from Ohio" and headed for NYC to see RM2 Neil "Jewels" Apple and the gang. I spent a few days there, and headed back to Norfolk (almost broke). I arrived the night before she headed for the Middle East. I actually slept on the Mux the night before she left port. That was the only time I slept on the Mighty Mux as a civilian. MM3 "TR" Daniels found me an empty bunk under MT53. I remember talking with TR for a long time before calling it a day.
The following morning, as a civilian, I threw aft line #6 off the peer as Mux pulled away from D&S Piers, headed to the Middle East. Except fo the reunions, I haven’t seen most of those guys since, and as it turns out that was the last time I would ever see my friend "Slick" or the Mullinnix. As the ship pulled away, the last thing I remember hearing was my old chief - Fire Control Chief Walters yelling, "Hey Woody, get a haircut". That was the last time I saw the Mighty Mux. I turned around and walked away from 4 yrs of my life and drove all the way to Nebraska nonstop.
I hated every minute I was aboard the Mullinnix. I couldn’t stand being told what to do in such minute detail by so many people that I didn’t respect. That was 30 years ago. Today, I’m full of nostalgia and thoroughly enjoy researching the history of the Mighty Mux and communicating with guys around the country that I have only one thing in common with - "that we served on the same mighty war ship - The USS Mullinnix DD-944". The older I get, the prouder I get.
Damn, but I love this shit!
Unknown Date
Chief Petty Officer Mess - Gitmo
3 March 1968
USS Currituck AV-7 - 1960s
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