Thieves Alley (street with all the bars)
Zig Zag Club
Honcho, Honcho One, and Honcho Two - streets ran parallel to main drag
Heaven and Hell bar
SM3 Terry Mahoney, FA Robert H. "Snake" Ellis Jr, "Ollie", and 2 fellow Muxmen - Yakuska Japan 1972
Unknown Shipmate - Yokosuka Japan 1972
1972 Yokosuka, Japan Shipyard Courtesy MM3 Dale Schultz
1972 Yokosuka, Japan Shipyard Courtesy MM3 Dale Schultz
Yokosuka Peninsula - May 1959
Yokosuka Caves - Mullinnix unloaded virtually 100% of her live ammunition into these caves before she headed home to Norfolk, VA in 1972. I was inside these caves and to say they are huge does them an injustice!
My good friend, "Pete" Burton stayed in Japan for trial and didn't return with us on Mullinnix. He did eventually make it back to Norfolk, VA via varies airplanes.
Mullinnix Leaves Japan for Midway Island, 29 September