1966 Vietnam Gunline - Page 5

Mullinnix - Vietnam 1966
Courtsey Army Helo Crew Chief Jim Bridges

A special thanks goes to Army Helo Crew Chief Jim Bridges who took these pictures just after finishing a mission in Vietnam. Thanks Jim!!

Jim is looking for pictures of his helo taken from Mullinnix
Can you help?

Jim explains, "I was in an Army gun ship, (UH-1B) that gave Mullinnix a gun run display two miles off the cost of Viet Nam. My wing-man was flying a UH-1C. The pilot fired a pair of 2.75 rockets out to sea just as we cleared the bow. I believe we were north of Qui Nhon. If you have photos of me I would like very much to exchange photos."

"Before I got to a gunner's seat I was a Grunt. I would like to THANK YOU ALL for the BIG GUN support, when I found myself up to my ass in combat, with the NVA. You Navy boys saved my ass more than once."

James (Jim) Bridges

Brown Water Navy in Nam 1966
Jim's helo provided gun cover for brown water Navy boats
Brown Water Navy in Nam 1966
Jim's helo provided gun cover for brown water Navy boats
Brown Water Navy in Nam 1966
Jim's helo provided gun cover for brown water Navy boats
Mullinnix Nam 1966
Picture taken from Jim Bridges' helicopter after a mission in country
Mullinnix Nam 1966
Picture taken from Jim Bridges' helicopter after a mission in country
Mullinnix Nam 1966
Picture taken from Jim Bridges' helicopter after a mission in country
Mullinnix Nam 1966
Picture taken from Jim Bridges' helicopter after a mission in country

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