[1972 Vietnam 'Home' Page]
30 March 1972
the North Vietnamese Army launched its greatest offensive of the entire war, called
"Nguyen Hue Offensive"
after the birth name of Emperor Quang Trung, the great Vietnamese ruler of the 1700s. The enemy deployed the greatest array of troops and modern weapons to date in a major effort to end the war with conventional forces and seized considerable territory in an effort to exercise control of key provinces throughout Vietnam. They invaded across the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) into South Vietnam sending 14 North Vietnamese Divisions backed by more than three hundred tanks, many moving down Highway 1.
In response, USS Mullinnix DD-944 made her 3rd trip to the gun-line in Vietnam. The Mullinnix deployed from Norfolk, Virginia on 96 hours notice along with 3 other destroyers (USS Biddle DLG-34 out of Norfolk; joining on 14 April was USS Glennon DD-840 from Charleston, South Carolina and USS Sarsfield DD-839 from Mayport, Florida).
This was part of President Nixon's actions in response to the North Vietnamese Easter Offensive of
30 March 1972
. He ordered the mining of North Vietnamese ports. He also augmented the already considerable Naval forces in Vietnam with additional 5 aircraft carriers, 1 heavy cruiser (
USS Newport News
), 4 additional cruisers, and 44 destroyers. Mullinnix arrived off the coast with one twin-barrel 3-inch/50-caliber gun and three modern single-barrel 5-inch/54-caliber guns. During the cruise she adopted the DOORS song,
"Riders on the Storm"
, due to the fact she had to deal with several typhoons.
During the
Easter Offensive
, as many as 30 ships fired against PAVN (People's Army of Vietnam) forces in Quang Tri and Thua Thien Provinces and were a key force in staving off attacks in Hue. While the war was winding down for U.S. ground troops in Vietnam, the action intensified for the Navy. From ships close to the coast to carrier-based naval aviation units, the war took a distinct upturn in 1972.
Mullinnix Enroute to Vietnam 1972 (.MOV)
Courtesy of Doug Lafleur - Video Taken from USS Biddle DLG-34
FTG3 Frank Wood with a day's worth of 5" powder casings
USS Mullinnix DD-944 - Vietnam Gunline - 18 May 1972
That's me, FTG3 Frank A. Wood aka "Woody" leaning up against MT52
watching Jimmy Roland and his team in MT53 pore it to the enemy
(turn your sound on...)
FTG3 Frank Wood in Main Battery Plot - Gunline 1972
"THE" trigger is in my left hand
(Courtesy FTG3 Dennis "Ski" Wenske)
April 8th
Mullinnix was ordered made ready from immediate deployment to the Southeast Asia combat zone. On Wednesday,
12 April
, Mullinnix got underway from D&S Piers with USS Biddle (DLG-34) for its deployment. The two ships were joined on
14 April
by USS Glennon (DD-840) from Charleston, South Carolina and USS Sarsfield (DD-837) from Mayport, Florida. The OTC of the Transit Group was Captain T. Hughes, Commander Destroyer Squadron 32, embarked in Mullinnix. The group transited the Panama Canal on
16 April
, and began the Pacific crossing after a fuel stop at the U.S. Naval Station, Rodman, Canal Zone that same day. On
26 April
the Transit Group stopped overnight in Pearl Harbor for Fuel and supplies at the Pacific Missile Range Facility, Hawaii. The group was at Midway Island on
29 April
. The group proceeded via Guam, for fuel stop on
7 May
, and arrived Subic Bay, Philippines on
11 May
16 May 1972
: At 0357 Mullinnix commenced maneuvering on various courses and speeds to affect rendezvous with USS Vesuvius AE-15. At 0512 she commenced to receive pallets of 5”/54 powder. Next, she commenced approach to USS Hassayampa AO-145 at 0638 to talk on fuel. At 0754 the ship secured the refueling detail and set the “Gold Team”. Until she’d leave the gunline, the ship’s company was split into two teams – Gold Team and Blue Tam – 6 hours on watch, 6 hours off – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Mullinnix arrived at Point Allison at 0810.
Let the gunline be known, the “Mighty Mux” had arrived!
16 May 1972 1307 Hours
: This picture at left was taken on her 1st day on the gunline off South Vietnam.
he had been there just under 5 hours, hot as hell (about 115F), everyone out on the decks with their shirts off, drifting at .3-.5 knots less than 1 mile off shore.
The crew was catching a few rays, taking pictures, etc. When WHAM, this
shell hits just off the starboard side.
FTG2 Thomas F. Hoddinott had just loaded his camera (he was the designated photographer for the cruise book) and snapped the picture of the explosion / spash!
s you can imagine it was pandemonium on the decks as
GQ was sounded
and the IMC screaming "counter battery, counter battery!!" Our Captain, "Boom Boom" Cannon, yelled, "Get us a course so we can get on a horse and get the hell out of here!" The Mighty Mux got her guns firing ASAP and the 'counter battery' went silent for the rest of the day. In a blink of an eye it went from 'fun-and games' to the real-deal.
fter hearing
Secure From General Quaters
for the last time that day, I wrote the following letter home after the 1st day on the gunline at about 6:30PM:
16 May, 1972
Dear Mom, Dad, Sue
Today was our 1st day on the gunline. They got us up at 3:30AM in the morning to load 1400 rounds of powder which took about 3 hours. Then we had to refuel. I had the noon to 6 o'clock watch. We fired 89 rounds on 2 separate missions.
I pulled the trigger the 1st time to start the war
for the Mullinnix...On our first mission they shot back at us. It landed about 300 feet away; we got the hell out of there fast. About a half-hour later there were 2 radars locked onto us, but no missiles were fired. About an hour later we spotted a gunboat, but it turned out to be South Vietnamese.
We have 4 marines on board to operate missiles (Red Eyes) we loaded on board. They fire them from their shoulder like a bazooka. We'll use them against MiGs as they are heat seeking - going up the exhaust system.
We are supposed to leave (the gunline on) 4 June. But more than likely we'll be here at least a month and a half. That's just the 1st line period. We'll probably get about 4 or 5 periods after that. Well, I've got the midnight to 6AM watch. So I'd better go to bed - were standing six on/six off. Love, Frank"
"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, at times."
Daryl Wright
Mullinnix had one of the 1st Marine Redeye Missile Teams (PDF File)
88 Days of Combat Action! 14,472 Rounds!
The Mullinnix's 3 Gunline Periods
Period #
Post Liberty
May 16
- June 16
Song Than 6-72
Subic Bay
3 July - 4 August
34 Missions South of the DMZ
Sasebo, Japan
; AND Typhoon Betsy enroute back to Vietnam
21 August -
13 September
Sole Support near
Qui Nhon
Hong Kong
(through yet another tropical storm);
Yokosuka, Japan
Homeward Bound"
For further Mullinnix COMBAT DETAIL
: Go to
National Archives Access to Archival Databases
. On that page, click on "Vietnam". On this new page, scroll down until you see "Records About Naval Gunfire Support During the Vietnam War...". Click on the
. Then, were it says "Search this Series", type in "MULLINNIX" (spelling it correctly), then hit 'enter'. This should result in
897 USS Mullinnix records that cover 1966, 1969, and 1972
. Click on the
. You will see, in chronological order, the Mullinnix Firing Records starting with 2 August, 1966 and ending on 8 September 1972. You'll note there can be multiple records for any one day.
Links to Specific Dates, Deck Logs, Battles, Etc
Go To 30 March 1972 (Countering the Easter Offensive)
Go To 8 April 1972 (Mullinnix Ordered to Vietnam)
Go To 10 April 1972 (Rumors)
Go To 11 April 1972 (Rumors Continue)
Go To 12 April 1972 (Mullinnix Leaving Norfolk)
Go To 14 April 1972 (Build Up Woes)
Go To 15 April 1972 (Headed to Vietnam)
Go To 16 April 1972 (Panama Canal)
Go To 17-25 April 1972 (Headed to Pearl)
Go To 26 April 1972 (Pearl Harbor)
Go To 28 April 1972 (Mullinnix Loses a Shipmate)
Go To 29 April 1972 (Midway)
Go To 2 May 1972 (Intl Date Line)
Go To 7 May 1972 (Guam)
Go To 11 May 1972 (Subic Bay, PI)
Go To 16 May 1972 (Mullinnix Arrives Vietnam Gunline)
Go To 18 May 1972 (Reporters On Board)
Go To 23 May 1972 (Overhead Explosion!)
Go To 24 May 1972 (Operation Song Than 6-72)
Go To 5 June 1972 (Gig to Tan My Vietnam) [Brown Water]
Go To 11 June 1972 (Mullinnix in Da Nang Harbor) [Brown Water]
Go To 13 June 1972 (Counter Battery)
Go To 19 June 1972 (Mullinnix Makes Local Paper)
Go To 25 June 1972 (Typhoon Ora)
Go To 7 July 1972 (Counter Battery)
Go To 15 July 1972 (Mullinnix in Danang Harbor) [Brown Water]
Go To 18 July 1972 (Mail Run to Tan My Vietnam) [Brown Water]
Go To 14 August 1972 (Change of Command) [Goodbye Boom Boom!]
Go To 18 August 1972 (Happy Birthday Woody!)
Go To 23 August (Qui Noon Mail Run) [Brown Water]
Go To 1972 Major Battles
Go To 13 September 1972 (Leaving Gunline For Last Time)
Go To 21 September 1972 (Goodbye Hong Kong!)
Go To 29 September 1972 (Goodbye Yokosuka, Japan!)
Go To 4 October 1972 (Back to Midway)
Go To 6 October 1972 (Back to (Pearl)
Go To 7-13 October 1972 (Headed to San Deigo)
Go To 13 October 1972 (San Deigo)
Go To 17 October 1972 (Headed Home)
Go To 18 October 1972 (Manzanillo, Mexico)
Go To 23 October 1972 (Panama Canal)
Go To 27 October 1972 (Home)
1972 Vietnam "History" Links
1972 Vietnam "Picture" Links
1972 Vietnam "Crew" Links
1972 Vietnam "Liberty" Links
1972 Vietnam Page 2
1972 Nam Pics Page 1
1972 Crew Pics Page 1
Liberty "Cautious Entry"
1972 Vietnam Page 3
1972 Nam Pics Page 2
1972 Crew Pics Page 2
Port Balboa, Panama
1972 Vietnam Page 4
1972 Nam Pics Page 3
1972 Crew Pics Page 3
Pearl Harbor
1972 Vietnam Page 5
1972 Nam Pics Page 4
1972 Crew Pics Page 4
Midway Island
1972 Vietnam Page 6
1972 Nam Pics Page 5
1972 Crew Pics Page 5
1972 Vietnam Page 7
1972 Nam Pics Page 6
1972 Crew Pics Page 6
Olongapo City, PI
1972 Vietnam Page 8
1972 Nam Pics Page 7
Sasebo, Japan
1972 Vietnam Page 9
1972 Nam Pics Page 8
Hong Kong
1972 Vietnam Page 10
1972 Nam Pics Page 9
Yokosuka, Japan
1972 Vietnam Page 11
1972 Nam Pics Page 10
San Diego / Tijuana
1972 Vietnam Page 12
1972 Nam Pics Page 11
1972 Vietnam Page 13
1972 Nam Pics Page 12
1972 Vietnam Page 14
1972 Cruise Book Pics
1972 Vietnam Page 15
1972 Vietnam Page 16
1972 Vietnam Page 17
1972 Vietnam Cruise Book
Back to Ship History
Back to Ship Pictures
Back to Mullinnix Crew
Back to "Libery Call Entrance"
12 Sept, 1972
, "Mighty Mux" fired her last round (leaving gunline the next day)
Never again would Mullinnix fire her weapons in a war environment!
Picture @ Right (L to R): GMG3 Kenneth "Maggot" Klan, FTG3 Frank "Woody" Wood, GMG3 Danny Perrine, BM2 Thomas Diaz. South Vietnam Coastline in background
s the order came down from the bridge, "Five minutes to break away," the BT started to insert the high-speed burners and stood waiting for the next order. MMs stepped to the valves that they would soon open as fast as they could to allow more steam into the turbine engines. The next order came down more tense now: "one minute to break away, standby to answer bells!" As the last cable was returned to the BT the order came: "break away, break away!" The engine order telegraph bells instantly sprang to life signaling a flank speed and the dials began to turn as the desired R.P.M.'s required for thirty knots were set from the bridge. Instantly Mullinnix shuddered as the water began to churn and boil from the twin screws pounding it angrily for moving too slowly between the blades of the propellers. Her fantail dropped into the water as the bow jumped up and she shot forward while the two stacks began bellowing black smoke as the boilers strained to maintain steam pressure for the engines. At the same instant topside, signalman quickly raised the bleach-white flag with a fiery red heart in its center while screaming from the IMC came the haunting sounds of the Doors "Riders On The Storm". As the Mighty Mux cleared the Oiler she started her full power turn and the ship seemed to lean unusually hard as if straining to stay upright. As the crew on the other ship jerked their heads around to see what was happening, Mullinnix came out of the turn and was headed back down the line of ships as a Signalman high above the bridge struck down the "Virginia Is For Lovers" Flag. The crew of the Oiler had just witnesses one of the most unique events in the Vietnam War - the arrogant and flamboyant announcement that the most powerful destroyer ever built by the U.S. Navy was prepared to re-entry combat deal the enemy another mortal blow. Long live the Mullinnix!
9 October
Mullinnix rendezvoused with Biddle, Glennon, and Sarsfield for the transit back to the East Coast by way of San Diego (import
13-15 October
) and the Panama Canal (
22 October
). Biddle arrived in Norfolk on
26 October
. Mullinnix was due the same day but was delayed for refueling in Central America.
Courtesy FTG3 Dennis "Ski" Wenske
1971 USS Mullinnix Postcard
Shows Weapon Configuration During 1972 Vietnam Tour
If you can read a bumper sticker, thank a teacher. If it is in English, THANK A SAILOR!!"
Ships that served with USS Mullinnix in Vietnam 1972
Some of these may no longer be valid
USS America CVA-66
USS Gurke DD-783
USS Berkeley DDG-15
USS Everett F. Larson DD-830
USS Sarsfield DD-837
USS Saratoga CV-60
USS Glennon DD-840
USS John R. Craig DD-885
USS Rowan DD-782
USS Newport News CA-148
USS Richard S. Edwards DD-950
USS Constellation CV-64
USS Coral Sea CV-43
USS Hancock CV/CVA-19
USS Midway CV-41
USS Kittyhawk CV-63
USS Ticonderoga CV-14
USS Okinawa LPH-3
USS Oklahoma City CLG-5
USS Providence CLG-6
USS Chicago CG-11
USS Long Beach CNG-9
USS Bausell DD-845
USS Charles P. Cecil DD-835
USS Eversole DD-789
USS Miles C. Fox DD-829
USS Hamner DD-718
USS Hanson DD-832
USS Hull DD-945
USS John Paul Jones DD-932
USS George K.Mackenzie DD-836
USS John S. McCain DL-3/DDG-36
USS Ozbourn DD-846
USS Somers DD-947
USS Benjamin Stoddert DDG-22
USS Joseph Strauss DDG-16
USS Lloyd Thomas DD-764
USS Waddell DDG-24
USS Davidson DE-1045
USS Albert David DE-1050
USS Whipple FF-1062
USS Biddle DLG/CG-34
USS Sterett DDG-31/CG-31
USS Blue Ridge LCC-19
USS Denver LPD-9
USS Nobile
USS St. Louis LKA-116
USS Port Defiance LSD-31
USS Juneau LPD-10
USS Anchorage LSD-36
USS Schenectady LST-1185
USS Manitowoc LST-1180
USS Tuscaloosa LST-1187
USS Alamo LSD-33
USS Sumter APA-52
USS Cayuga LST-1186
USS Duluth LPD-6
USS Vesuvius AE-15
USS Kilauea AE-26
USS Standley DLG/CG-32
USS Albany CG-10
USS Detroit AOE-4
USS Dennis J. Buckley DDR-808
USS Waccumaw AO-109
USS Savannah AOR-4
USS Lawrence DDG-4
USS Higbee DD-806
USS Worden CG-18
USS Cleveland LPD-7
USS Morton DD-948
USS Davis DD-937
ALL Mullinnix Deck Logs From Vietnam 1972 are in these "Nam '72" webpages
The Navy's Big Guns (USS Newport News CA-148)
Thomas J Hughes Jr, ComDesRon 36
(Mullinnix was DesRon 36 Command Ship in 1972)
Picture taken in 1983
What it must be like to be on the wrong end of "INCOMING!!!"
(video clip from Iraq - Get'um Boys!)
Click Here
to watch why the 'boots on the ground' needed Mullinnix
(scene from the hit TV show JAG)
Vietnam Vet Radio (LIVE!!!)
...some Vietnam-era Music
The Sinking of the Reuben James - The Highwaymen (Willy, J Cash, Waylon, Kristofferson)
Still in Saigon - Charlie Daniels Band
Theme from M*A*S*H (TV version) 1972
BONUS: Bob Hope Christmas Show Video Clips!
Bob Hope - Introduction
Bob Hope - Subic Bay
Bob Hope - USS Midway
Bob Hope - B-52
Many an American soldier, hunkered down as bullets whistled through the foliage, were startled to see an old lady climbing creakily out of a jeep! "Boys, let's talk turkey," Corrie would announce. "Either you're going to survive this war or you're going to fall. If you fall, are you ready to meet God?"
The Hiding Place
Corrie Ten Boom
No, warefare isn't exciting. It bleeds your energy, drains your spirit, and engulfs your soul
© 2001 by Frank Wood, All rights reserved