Updated 20 Jan 2022
From The Home Page, Go To...
* By Year/Cruise (Some Years/Cruises have multiple pages that are linked to each other)
* 2006-10 (Muxmen in Iraq/Afghanistan)
* Misc Ship Pictures
* By Year/Cruise (Some Years/Cruises have multiple pages that are linked to each other)
* 1992 - Sinkex
* 1995 - X-Files
* 21st Century (Muxmen in Iraq/Afghanistan)
+ By Year (1963-1965 are missing as I don't have any pictures to display)
+ By Year
+ 2 "Splash" pages to click through (to protect non-sailors from a we bit of vulgarity)
+ By Year AND Liberty Port (59 different ports but still missing many liberty ports of call)
+ Misc Subject Links
+ Misc links
+ Norfolk, VA ONLY (mainly because that was my home port for 3 1/2 years abroad Mullinnix)
+ Information about ME! (FTG3 Frank "Woody" Wood)
* Links to a page for each Mullinnix Commanding Officer
* Links to many of the Change of Commands (COC)
* Links to some of my other Favorite Officers in My Chain of Command (1970-74)
* Image Map of Mullinnix with "hot links" when you hover your mouse over the 5 Gunmounts and 2 Directors
* Links to 5 Gunmounts, Torpedo Tubes, 2 Directors, MK71 System, and Misc Armanment
* Link to "Muxmen Loading Ammo, and Ammo, and More Ammo"

* Link to "Navy Food"
* Link to "Movie Call"
+ Numerous Links to Various Movie Genre

* Link to "The Sinking of the USS Liscome Bay CVE-56 (Admiral Mullinnix's Ship in WWII)
* Link to "Mrs. Kathryn Mullinnix (Admiral's Wife)
* Mullinnix Family Tree (PDF File)

* Link to "Forrest Sherman Current Status"
* Link to "Forrest Sherman's in the TV Series "JAG""
* Link to "The LAST 2 Shermans"
* Link to "Mullinnix Zippo Lighters"
* Link to "Frank Wood Interview on Vietnam Radio on 16 March 2019"
* Links to Numerous Navy Subjects of Interest
* Links to Various Pics of Me, Other Famous "Woodys", My World Travels, My Fav TV Clips, Movies, and Husker Page!
© 2003 by Frank Wood, All rights reserved.